An open letter to Cancer
Dear Cancer, Since we haven't formally met before, I thought I should introduce myself. My name is Allison, and last week, you tried to...

A window to the world
6:00 a.m. has quickly become my favorite time of day, because that's when I get to see my mom and dad's faces and hear their voices. This...

Chair prayers
Dad is sounding less and less like Darth Vader every day, which, now that I think of it, is kind of a bummer. I should've had him say...

We will beat this.
Hey #TeamEric, check out what team member Eli Katz Castellano made us! Cool, huh? I printed it out and hung it in my cube at work. When I...

Carl, Auntie Barb, and I are all safely back to reality--although, at least to me, my St. Paul world of home and work and family seems a...

If the events of the past week have taught me anything, it's that I am an unbelievably lucky woman in many different ways. To wit:...

This is what joy looks like.
Half an hour before we left for Heathrow, Dad's medical team took his breathing tube out. I got to hear my dad's voice for thirty...
"Excited" doesn't begin to describe it.

Keep calm
I asked #TeamEric member (and top-notch graphic designer) Andrew Tomko to create this for me. When the Germans were bombing the holy hell...

#TeamEric FTW
You guys. YOU GUYS. THEY'RE GONNA TAKE THE TUBE OUT TOMORROW. (You probably need a moment to put your phone or iPad down and whoop for...