Sleep brigade
Well, Team Eric, once again you have demonstrated your prowess: Dad is in much better spirits today. Getting a brand-new Kindle didn't...

One of you recently told me that this process is going to be a marathon, not a sprint. Having run two marathons myself, I think it's a...

Pee prayers and pep talks
I have big news today, folks. BIG. NEWS. Dad is off dialysis! WOO-HOO!! This is just a 24-hour trial to see how he does, and right now...

The crystal ball
Let's play a game. Let's pretend that you can see the future. Let us further imagine that you and I were chatting over a cup of coffee a...

Denial and other Egyptian rivers
Dad once again took this morning's FaceTime from his chair, where he had once again been spatulaed from his bed. I was concerned to see...

Spatula, the verb
This morning Mom had to do a bit of fancy camera work to zoom out so I could see the latest accomplishment: Dad sitting in a chair! He...

An open letter to Cancer
Dear Cancer, Since we haven't formally met before, I thought I should introduce myself. My name is Allison, and last week, you tried to...

A window to the world
6:00 a.m. has quickly become my favorite time of day, because that's when I get to see my mom and dad's faces and hear their voices. This...

Chair prayers
Dad is sounding less and less like Darth Vader every day, which, now that I think of it, is kind of a bummer. I should've had him say...

We will beat this.
Hey #TeamEric, check out what team member Eli Katz Castellano made us! Cool, huh? I printed it out and hung it in my cube at work. When I...