Please, Sir, may I have some more?

I feel like the universe is working overtime to let me know everything is going to be all right. To wit: As I scrolled through my Facebook feed just now, what should I come across but this photo, posted by my friend Jeff Tish. This is from the program of a 1991 production of the musical "Oliver!" at Cheyenne Little Theatre, the community theater at which Dan and I both grew up acting in and seeing plays (Mom and Dad have been season ticket holders for...oh, 40 years or so now). Anyway, in the fall of my senior year of high school, Dad and I both got cast in the chorus of this show. He was a bobby along with our friend Keith (pictured with us); I was a bar wench (yes, you read that right). Mom helped make my costume. I had to give Dad a lot of private coaching on the choreography (Eric Wedell is many things. A natural dancer is not one of them.) It was the only show Dad and I were ever in together, and it was a BLAST. I absolutely treasure those memories.